Thank You Veterans!
Thank You Veterans!
- Hayden 11-11-19
This past Monday, our nation celebrated and honored this nation’s great veterans; and for good reason. They serve and have served this great nation in ways many of us would hesitate to do. They often put their own lives on the line to keep our country safe and its citizens free. Many deploy to foreign lands, saying goodbye to their spouses and their children for months on end. They missed holidays and special family life events simply to keep this country strong and protect our wonderful constitutional republic. THANK YOU goes out to YOU OUR VETERANS. And yes, we support our troops, past and present.
Theirs is a rare sacrifice that contributes so much to the freedom we enjoy as Americans. As a Christian, I appreciate the fact that my freedom to worship
and speak the Gospel as secured by the Constitution is protected by the actions of veterans now and in the past. With this freedom, we are able to know the truth and speak the truth to the world. As Jesus declared, “If you continue in my Word you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). There are many people living in other nations who do not have the freedoms that we enjoy. To many, the truth is barred, outlawed, and hidden from them. Throughout history, some world leaders have desired to take our freedoms from us. Some would even desire to take our freedom to preach God’s Word, meet together and study the Bible without State interference, and worship our God in accordance with our own conscience. Thankfully, our veterans fought to keep us living in, “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Now don’t get me wrong. Truth and the freedom that truth provides, comes directly from God. Galatians 5:1 tells us, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.” But, while living in these United States of America, many have stepped up from time to time to protect our right to the truth and thereby our right to be a free people. It is our veterans that protect us from earthly foes that may wish to rescind our Constitution and remove the Word of God that is the foundation of our liberty and the justice that so many Americans aspire to. So having said all of this, THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN TO OUR WONDERFUL VETERANS. You are so appreciated!
Be blessed even more!!
Pastor Chris